
How functional or valuable are the deadlift and the squat for cricket?

The word ‘functional’ is such an overused ‘buzzword’ in todays fitness world, and has taken over from other such buzzwords like ‘core’ and ‘fat-burning zone’, and whilst the movement of the exercise and fitness industry away from Frankenstein-style muscle isolation and machine training towards a more ‘functional’ approach is certainly

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Cricket – Some Programming Thoughts

What is the best sets and reps scheme to use? Should I do 3 sets? Or should I do more? Is it best to do higher reps? Or should I stick to less reps and more weight? 3 sets of 10? 5 sets of 5? What about rest times? Alright,

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Combining Power & Strength Training

We thought we would add in this important discussion as a link between several articles that we have posted lately regarding power development, how it links in with strength, and how it all really fits together – with what the overall aims are. Cricket players these days have begun to

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